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Tirzepatide is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs known as GLP-1 receptor agonists. It is used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and weight loss.

Other Uses

By targeting both receptors, Tirzepatide enhances insulin secretion and reduces glucagon secretion in a glucose-dependent manner, contributing to improved glycemic control. In addition to its glucose-lowering effects, tirzepatide has been associated with significant weight loss in clinical trials. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes, as weight management is a crucial aspect of overall diabetes care. Like other newer diabetes medications, tirzepatide has undergone cardiovascular outcomes trials. These trials assess the impact of the medication on cardiovascular events, providing valuable information on the safety and potential cardiovascular benefits of the drug.

Dosage, Concentration, Route of Administration

Dosage: Please see the unit conversion chart.
Concentration: 25mg/mL
Volume: 3mL
Route of Administration: For SQ injection only


Store under controlled refrigeration.

Semaglutide 5mg/mL

Semaglutide is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs known as GLP-1 receptor agonists. It is used to treat type 2 diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels.

Other Uses

Semaglutide is a medication that has emerged as a potentially effective option for weight loss in individuals who meet specific criteria. This is because it reduces appetite, slows down the emptying of the stomach, and increases feelings of fullness. It has shown promising results in clinical trials and offers a novel approach to weight management by influencing appetite and metabolism. However, it should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, and the benefits and risks should be carefully evaluated on an individual basis. Additionally, a holistic approach to weight management, including diet and exercise, should be considered alongside medication when seeking sustainable weight loss. Semaglutide is administered once a week by injection, which makes it more convenient than other diabetes medications that need to be taken several times a day.

Dosage, Concentration, Route of Administration

Dosage: Seek advice from a licensed physician, medical director, or other healthcare provider
Concentration: 5mg/mL
Volume: 3mL
Route of Administration: For SQ injection only.


Store at controlled room temperature.

Methylcobalamin (B12)

Methylcobalamin is an active form of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps to utilize fats and carbohydrates for energy and make new proteins. Vitamin B12 is important in the maintenance of our metabolism, blood cells, and nerve function. Most people get enough vitamin B12 in their diet, but some need supplementation. Certain health conditions such as intestinal or stomach problems, poor nutrition, cancer, HIV, pregnancy, old age, veganism, and alcoholism can cause vitamin B12 deficiency. Low levels of vitamin B12 can lead to fatigue and anemia in milder cases. More serous B12 deficiencies have the potential to impair heart and neurological function, leading to a wide range of serous symptoms, including but not limited to tinnitus, severe joint pain, memory problems, depression, anxiety, poor muscle function, ataxia, and changes in reflexes. Infertility can also occur in individuals with insufficient B12. Early intervention and treatment of B12 deficiencies are key to maintaining healthy bodily function.

Other Uses

Methylcobalamin can also indicated in those with pernicious anemia, diabetes, neuropathy, heart disease, circadian rhythm sleep disorders, memory loss, depression, fatigue, AIDS, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Lyme disease, osteoporosis, tendonitis, psychiatric disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, liver and kidney disease, and asthma. It also may help in improving concentration, maintaining fertility, antiaging, boosting energy levels, converting fat to energy and mood elevation.

Dosage, Concentration, Route of Administration

Dosage: Seek advice from a licensed physician, medical director, or other healthcare provider
Concentration: 5mg/ml
Route of Administration: IV/IM


Store under refrigeration. Protect from light.


Lipo-Trim SL is a concentrated, sublingual combination of amino acids and B vitamins in a proprietary blend of African Mango Extract, Green Coffee Bean Extract, and Raspberry Ketone Extract, that can help the body convert fat into energy. Because it's a sublingual spray, absorption is more efficient than taking oral vitamins which lose potency as they pass through the body's digestive system. It's ideal for:

1. Patient's who also receive vitamin injections on a weekly basis
2. Daily use in between injections Patients who travel
3. Those with an aversion to needles

Dosage, Concentration, Route of Administration

A c e t y l - L -Ca r n iti n e
M e t h y l c o b a l a m n i n
L - L e u c i n e
L - A r g i n i n e
I n o s it o l
L - M e t h i o n i n e
B e t a i n e
T h i a m i n e
F o l i c A c i d

3 0 m l s u b l i n g u a l s p r a y

LipoStat Plus

LipoStat-Plus injections help support your weight loss goals by increasing energy production to improve your overall metabolism. This combination is geared towards active patients

Ingredient Breakdown

Inositol Converts food into energy.
Choline Cuts muscle recovery time and helps convert fat into energy.
B6 Promotes red blood cell production and converts food into energy.
Cyanocobalamin Aids in energy production by converting carbs into glucose.
Methionine** Helps break down sugars & carbohydrates and convert them into energy.
**Methionine is omitted in the Sulfa-Free version.

Dosage, Concentration, Route of Administration

Dosage: Seek advice from a licensed physician, medical director, or other healthcare provider
Concentration (per mL): Methionine 25mg**, Inositol 50mg, Choline 50mg, B6 0.175mg, Cyano 1mg
Route of Administration: For IM Injection only


Store at controlled room temperature. Protect from light.


Lipo-Mino-Mix is our #1 selling weight loss blend to help effortlessly burn fat, increase energy, and support your weight loss journey.

Ingredient Breakdown

B6 Promotes red blood cell production and converts food into energy.
Methionine Helps break down sugars & carbohydrates and convert them into energy.
Inositol Converts food into energy.
Choline Cuts muscle recovery time, helps convert fat into energy.
B1 Thiamine Improves your immune system, and helps convert fat and carbs into energy.
B2 Riboflavin Increases metabolism, and supports your immune system.
Carnitine** Improves fat metabolism and energy, reduces recovery times, and promotes muscle-building potential.
**Only available in Lipo-Mino-Mix-C under Patient Prescriptions**

Dosage, Concentration, Route of Administration

Dosage: Seek advice from a licensed physician, medical director, or other healthcare provider
Concentration (per mL): B6 2mg, Methionine 12.4mg, Inositol 25mg, Choline 25mg, B1 50mg, B2 5mg, Carnitine 125mg** (Carnitine is only available in Lipo-Mino-Mix-C)
Route of Administration: For IM Injection only.


Store at controlled room temperature. Protect from light.

Queens Location

205-15 Hollis Avenue, St Albans NY 11412

9-5 Monday -Friday except Thursday we are closed Some Mondays open until 8pm based on appointments Every other Sunday 9-1pm

Brooklyn Location

5002 Kings Highway, Suite 2, Brooklyn , NY 11234

9am- 8pm Tuesday to Friday every other week 9am -5pm every other week Monday-Friday Every other Saturdays 9-4pm and the other Saturdays 9-1pm

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